
Showing posts with the label Motivation tips

Life is hard

When life is hard and you have no one or place to go to, always remember to be strong and determine to conquer  all difficulties with faith. No matter the circumstances never give up on yourself.

Such is life

No matter the nature of your problem not minding the degree of your misfortune  Do not lose hope  Never  submit yourself  to frustration  Man has to undergo difficulties  His abilities must always be tested  He needs to be praised and condemned  Life is a mixture of sorrows and Happiness  So keep on trying. 

Expressions from the school of thought

To be  successful, look for work after you have found a job Experience is not what  happens to you, it is what you do with  what happens to you.  The surest way to be late is to have plenty of time.  Don't worry about avoiding temptation as you grow older it starts avoiding  you.  Definition of a Genus. A person who aims at something no one else can see.  There's a big difference between good sound reason and reasons that sound good.  Opportunity favorite discussion is trouble.  To me old age is fifteen years older than l am  To be upset over what you don't have is to waste what you do have.  Man does not live by words alone, despite the fact that sometimes he has to eat them.